4 Tips for more professional logos


A logo is an essential part of representing a brand and building its identity. A good logo expresses a strong message and contributes to differentiating the brand from competitors. In this article, we’ll expose the secret to a good logo and give you a simple and easy guide to creating an effective logo that highlights your brand identity.


  • Understanding the importance of logo: We review the importance of the logo in enhancing brand identity and building trust among customers.
  • Defining the brand message: We explain the importance of defining the message and values of the brand before starting to design a logo.
  • Simple and strong design: We review the importance of simple and strong design in attracting attention and distinguishing from competitors.
  • Choose the right colors and fonts: We offer tips for choosing colors and fonts that reflect the brand’s identity and contribute to drawing attention.
  • Keep simple details: We recommend avoiding the complexity of the design and keeping simple and distinctive details.
  • Linking the logo to internal pages: We explain the importance of adding internal links in the logo to direct visitors to specific pages on your website.

Why should logos be professional?

Remember that good logo design contributes to building a strong corporate identity and attracts attention. Enjoy the design process and explore new ideas for a great result!

Here are 4 tips for important rules about professional logo design:

Table of Content

Rule Number 1

Make it Suitable

  • Does it reflect the personality of the brand?
  • Will it attract our target audience?
  • Does it fit with the feeling we want to evoke?

Not suitable


Rule Number 2

Make it Simple

  • It contains one idea to deliver
  • Remove all unnecessary items
  • Make sure they work in small sizes

Not Simple


Rule Number 3

Make it Special

  • Make sure it’s unique enough not to be forgotten
  • Make sure it stands out among competitors
  • Don’t be vulgar.

Not Special


Rule Number 4

Make it With Concept

  • Is there an idea behind the logo?
  • Instead of showing what you sell. Can you tell a story?
  • The presence of a distinctive concept is the focus of the difference between a good logo and a great logo

Don't have a concept.


Has Concept


We summarize the importance of a good logo in brand recognition, confidence, and quick recognition. We also encourage the use of internal links in the logo to achieve greater interaction with users. With this simple guide guide, you can build an effective logo that enhances brand identity and achieves its success in the market.


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